The NodeMCU is the open-source firmware and advance kit that helps you to archetype your IoT creation. NodeMCU is leads to limited writing of lines. This board is unaffectedly WiFi permitted while collaborating, programmable, little cost, artless and smart. The operating power is 3.3V.
Arduino Comparable Hardware IO?
Advanced API for hardware IO, which dramatically decrease the redundant effort for forming and influencing hardware.Meanwhile, Source code like Arduino, but cooperate in Lua script.
NodeJs Style Network API
Event-driven API for network applications, which simplifies developer script code running on a 5mm X 5mm sized MCU in NodeJs style.Further importantly speed-up your IoT application expansion process.
Nethermost Cost WiFi
A smaller amount of not more than $2 WI-FI MCU ESP8266 incorporated easy to prototyping improvement kit.However this offer the unsurpassed stage for IoT application development at the bottom-most total.
Some Feature of the NodeMCU
- External QSPI flash – 512 KB to 4 MB
- UART on dedicated pins, plus a transmit only UART can be enabled on GPIO2, 1X10 bit ADC and 3XPWM
- 64 KB of instruction RAM, 96 KB of Data RAM
- 16 GPIO pins where I2C, SPI, I2S interfaces with DMA (sharing pins with GPIO)
- IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi where WEP or WPA/WPA2 authentication or open networks
- 32-bit RISC CPU, Tensilica Xtense LX106 running at 80 MHz
Languages supported
- Arduino
- Adafruit
- Official ESP 8266 SDK
- Espruino – JavaScript
- Micro python – Python 3
- Official NodeMCU firmware – LUA
Where we can use NodeMCU?
Most importantly NodeMCU device’s form-factor is less than others devices. it can be used for the project that should be light weighted in a total. Mainly this can be used for floating devices where the project use substances as air and liquid surfaces.