Arduino Pin Diagram
Arduino UNO R3 - Input and Output
Every of the 14 advanced pins on the Arduino Uno camwood make utilized. Likewise a enter or output, utilizing pinMode(), digitalWrite(), also digitalRead() works. They work In 5 volts. Each pin camwood provide alternately get a greatest about 40. As a result, need a internal pull-up resistor (disconnected Eventually Tom's perusing default) about 20-50 KOhms. In addition, a few pins bring particular works.
Serial Pins
In Arduino, Pins 0 (RX) What's more 1 (TX). here it used to accept (RX). Furthermore transmit (TX) TTL serial information. These pins need aid associated with the comparing pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL serial chip.
External Interrupts in Arduino
Pins 2 What's more 3. These pins camwood be arranged should trigger a intrude...